Home > Film in BG > BGSU film department aims for student success

BGSU film department aims for student success

Building a strong film foundation for students is a crucial objective for the theatre and film department at Bowling Green State University.

Bowling Green State University, or BGSU, is known for their film program and offers a variety of different concentrations. Many students who are looking to increase their knowledge of movies from its roots, as well as formulaic themes in film over time utilize the film studies concentration. Other students would rather delve right into the action and take a film production approach.

Regardless of what’s chosen, the theatre and film department at BGSU works hard to prepare their students for life after college. Brett Holden, a professor, advisor and coordinator for the department says that he wants to set his students up for success.

“I’m committed to helping them select courses that fulfill General Education, College of Arts and Sciences, and Department of Theatre and Film requirements so that they can construct a powerful undergraduate experience,” said Holden. “ I want them to explore film in a variety of venues, and prepare themselves for careers in film through selecting a complimentary minor and building a strong portfolio of their work.”

Students like Scott Yoder, a senior film major at BGSU, seem to agree that the professor and advisors work hard to ensure their success.

Scott Yoder (middle in all-black outfit) filming

“Professors like Brett are great examples of how amazing our department is. I really feel like he looks at my individual situation rather than lump with the masses,” explained Yoder.


The overall film program is also meant to compliment itself in a sense of classes, whether it’s with film studies or production.

Holden also wants students to better understand the complex nature of the filmmaking process by breaking down the art form and analyzing its individual elements. In addition, he wants them to work to heighten their film-analysis and writing skills.

For more information on the film program at BGSU, visit http://www.bgsu.edu/departments/theatrefilm/

Categories: Film in BG
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