
Archive for the ‘Extras’ Category

Do the Oscars Have an Age Requirement?

February 20, 2013 Leave a comment

Here’s a clever use of mathematics; what is the average age of individuals whom win an Oscar?  The answer may…sound about right.

Matthew Belinkie, a writer over at, came up with some data that averages the ages of all of the Oscar winners in the past to come up with the most accurate age in which to win.


Average Age of Oscar Winners

Average Age of Oscar Winners

Rather than rehash Belinkie’s hard work, click on over to his article on the link above. It’s definitely worth the read.

Two film blogs surpass the rest

May 5, 2011 1 comment

With blog and news sites regarding film and movies being vast and cumbersome, a select few surpass the clutter and outperform the rest.

In present day media, the world revolves around the Internet and all of its ties. Almost anything and everything can be handled online whether it be maintaining a bank account, applying for jobs, evolving social networking or reading commentary via blog sites. The latest news and opinion on film and movies are no different.

Readers can delve deep within the subject and find exactly what they’re looking for. Some surf for the latest developments in upcoming films while others read the gossip on their favorite actors and actresses. But each of these is part of niche markets and viewership. Most sites maintain one specific topic, which allows them to cater to their audience. An issue arises due to the fact that this creates hundreds of blogs, which not only clutter search engines, but also frustrate people attempting to find news on movies. The process of sifting through blogs can be tiresome to Matt Petrella, a senior at Bowling Green State University.

“It ticks me off that I literally spend more time searching for the right film blog versus reading actual articles,” said Petrella. “You would think there would be sites that can fix this and cover a lot of general news in movies.”

Luckily, there are two sites that specifically aim to not be specific.

/Film, pronounced ‘slash film’, and Cinema Blend are two blog sites that cater to approaching film

Image from Cinema Blend

and movie news on all fronts. With a diverse writing staff focusing on different aspects of the subject, both sites do a wonderful job of not only creating quality content and timely news, but organize it in an appropriate way for easy navigation. Both sites also keep a fresh and modern template, which gives them a more “current” feel in today’s ever-changing world.




Image from /Film

/Film is also very skilled in their comments section of each post and article. With the average number of comments reaching 50 per post, it’s apparent that the writers, designers and staff of /Film take their blog site very seriously.

Through the mess that is film blogging, it’s good to know that at least two sites produce quality work while still maintaining a wide and diverse audience. /Film and Cinema blend have worked hard to surface to the top and it shows.

Categories: Extras

Review rewind: 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine'

April 29, 2011 Leave a comment

Awhile back, I took the time to make a video review on ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’. The trouble was, I never got to post or publish it anywhere. So, for your viewing pleasure, I figured I would post the video. I provide footage from the film, my two cents and a final score.

Categories: Extras