
Posts Tagged ‘local’

Local Bit: BGSU Aviation Studies – Bowling Green, OH

February 19, 2013 Leave a comment

In a recent video commissioned by Bowling Green State University’s admissions office, a team students at BGSU created an impressive short film on why attending this particular school measures above the rest.

The majority of marketing and branding for the younger generation is targeted online, through social networking, search engines and online media. And though this short ‘commercial’ film may be for an academic institution, it’s still meant to grab your attention and stir your interests. What separates this particular video from others is the fact that is was written, produced, shot and edited for absolutely nothing. That’s right, not a penny went into creating this video. But why is that important?

It’s refreshing to see something of high quality shooting and editing being put out there for the world to see. It’s even more impressive when you realize that it’s actually being used by the university as a marketing video for thousands of potential viewers.

A lot of the makeshift genius comes from Nathan Dreimiller, who acted as the lead producer and editor. He did a fantastic job of capturing the right atmosphere and visual presence needed to make something like this work. And thanks to to solid acting and vocal work by Bradley Bernard, as well as other students, the overall product was a complete success.

Watch Bernard in action with the finished video below. What are your thoughts? How important is local and independent film work in comparison to major studios? Leave your comments below!

Brad Bernard – Aviation Studies