
Posts Tagged ‘michael giacchino’

John Williams to Helm Star Wars VII Soundtrack? There is another.

February 18, 2013 2 comments

No one can deny that John Williams is an integral part of the Star Wars franchise’ soul. Without his iconic and emotionally powerful soundtrack, it could be argued that Star Wars may not have been as successful as it is. So it’s natural to wonder what the fate will of Mr. Williams will be since the announcement of the new trilogy.

According to the guys at ComingSoon.Net, a member of the John Williams Fan Network attended a concert in which Williams was conducting. Prior to playing his famous themes from Star Wars, Williams addressed the audience saying, “We’re about to play Star Wars…and each time we play it, I’m reminded of the first time we played it decades ago. Neither I, nor George, nor anyone else involved thought this would go far or in a few years there would be a sequel and I’d have to revisit the themes…and years later another trilogy. Now we’re hearing of a new set of movies coming in 2015, 2016…so I need to make sure I’m still ready to go in a few years for what I hope would be continued work with George…”

This is all well and good (and even allows the fans to release a sigh of relief) but that doesn’t make it a done deal. Let’s remember who is directing episode.

J.J. Abrams, director of the critically and financially successful blockbusters like Super 8, Star Trek, Mission Impossible 3 and TV show LOST, is directing episode VII. So while Williams may seem like the obvious choice in appointing the composer, let me remind you that Abrams has almost worked exclusively with composer Michael Giacchino. Let’s also remind ourselves that Giacchino is another immensely praised and talented composer responsible for soundtracks like LOST, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Star Trek, Super 8 as well as a slew of video games.

Simply put, he’s not a bad pick.

Also keep in mind that Star Wars is now the property of Disney. Could new management change the way the game is played? Most would argue that the franchise is in relatively safe hands thanks to Kathleen Kennedy controlling the majority of the franchise, but who knows.

So what will happen here? Will Abrams stick to his guns and go with Giacchino, or will he follow tradition with Williams using the ideology, ‘if it ain’t broke, dont’ fix it’.  Leave a comment down below with your thoughts.