
Posts Tagged ‘Scott Cooper’

‘The Road Home’ Looks Promising with Leonardo DiCaprio and Scott Cooper

February 21, 2013 1 comment

After his critical success in Django Unchained, Leonardo DiCaprio announced that he was taking a long break from acting. But not 2 months after Django’s release, he may have landed yet another role. Apparently, his idea of a long break is differs from ours.

Sources at /Film have indicated the Leo and director Scott Cooper (Crazy Heart) are in the works of making a film called, The Road Home.

The Road Home deals with an old war vet named Creek, who’s asked to investigate a rather gruesome murder that’s been ignored by the local authorities. Upon his investigation, he finds himself at odds with the situation itself.

It’s important to note that this is Scott Cooper’s next big film installment since that of Crazy Heart. After all, it won Jeff Bridges the Oscar for best actor. This is also the second time that DiCaprio and Cooper have worked together since their producing and directing work in Out of the Furnace.

Out of the Furnace was originally supposed to star DiCaprio back when Ridley Scott was set to direct, but ultimately stepped down to a producer position when Cooper took over directing duties. So the introduction and professional relationship is present, which may help DiCaprio and Cooper create a fruitful film.

DiCaprio is also set to be in two films releasing this year, including The Great Gatsby by Baz Lurhmann and Martin Scorcese’s The Wolf of Wall Street.
