
Posts Tagged ‘Shia Labeouf’

Shia Labeouf Drops Out From Broadway’s ‘Orphans’

February 21, 2013 Leave a comment

In a recent release made by producers of the broadway show Orphans, and E! Online for the post, they’ve stated that Shia Labeouf has parted ways from the production due to creative differences.

The producers of Orphans released this press statement:

“Due to creative differences, the producers of Orphans and Shia Labeouf will be parting ways and he will not be continuing with the production…”

In the last few years, we’ve seen Shia Labeouf play some pretty standard and blockbuster roles. Everything from the massive Transformers franchise to Eagle Eye. And if you really reach back, you’ll remember his much younger days in Disney’s Even Stevens. It would be easy to lump Labeouf into the mainstream and sellout categories of acting, but before you do, take a closer look at what he’s been doing lately.

His most recent movie was with Tom Hardy in Lawless, which may have stumbled a bit in story, but was made up by some strong acting chops from Labeouf. He’s also been in a few small indie productions as well as some reclusive self acting. Perhaps he is taking his craft seriously after all. It’s also good to note that he’s parted ways from the Transformers franchise for good and seems to be taking roles that challenge him as an actor.

What the Hell, I’m willing to see what he’s got. In fact, based on Lawless alone, there is some serious potential for him to rise up from his family and franchise history.

We’ll have to keep an eye on Mr. Labeouf.

What do you think? Does he have potential, or is he simply an actor who takes himself too seriously?
